Smith, L. (2011). It's a book. New York: Roaring Brook.
This is a very entertaining story about a Monkey who is engrossed in a book and his friend, the donkey doesn't understand what it is. The donkey asks "Does it text?" "Do you scroll down?" "Do you blog with it?" Monkey gets rather flustered when until donkey takes his book and starts reading it. He loves it so much so, that he has it the whole day and won't give it back to the monkey. The book wins over technology! There is also a very a cute little mouse that adds to the story and leaves you with a surprise ending.
Assignment # 1
Evaluation Criteria: Characters
It's a Book by Lane Smith exemplifies the evaluation criteria of the characters. There are only three characters in this book but they all come out strong with their very own personalities. The mouse is tiny but says mighty things without much dialogue. The monkey comes across as smart and irritable just like you might think a monkey would be if it were a person. The donkey, well, he is pretty much just a "jackass."
Author website: http://www.lanesmithbooks.com/LaneSmithBooks/Its_a_Book.html
Book Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4BK_2VULCU
Teaching Ideas: http://www.teachingideas.co.uk/library/books/its-a-book
Classroom Ideas for It's a Book: http://www.walkerbooks.com.au/statics/dyn/1283737199726/Its-a-Book-Classroom-Ideas.pdf
Book Trailer:
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