Summary: If you have questions about any topic about growing up that might be considered taboo in your family or your mind, this is informational book is for you. It answers questions with accuracy, a bit of humor and cartoon narrators Bird and Bee. The Table of Contents shows 6 parts and 28 chapters presenting what topic is covered in each so you can look up only the information you are interested in at the moment. It also has an extensive Index adding to the organization and the ability to get information on a single topic. There is a long list of contributors to this book which lends to the accuracy of the material. The design of the book with cartoon illustrations and a Bird and a Bee as commentators on each page speaking through speech bubbles with a moderately sarcastic tone, helps present topics that all teenagers will experience during their adolescence in a less antiseptic manner.
Harris, R. (2009). It’s perfectly normal. Boston, MA: Candlewick Press.
Commentary: The strengths of this book are that the information that is sometimes considered taboo is presented in a "cartoonist" way with speech bubbles and Bird and Bee doing the talking so it not so techy or preachy, just presents the facts in a fun sort of way. This book would attract teenagers that are looking for information about what "normal" is.
Connections: I would consider this book an Expository Non-Fiction book. Teenagers are curious about all of this information and may not get the best information from either their parents or the internet. This book presents those topics in small chunks, easily digested when teenagers are curious about the changes they are going through.
Link to Robie Harris's page.
Link to the Candlewick's information on It's Perfectly Normal.
Book Trailers
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